Friday, March 21, 2008

more sugar talk

not pillow talk... sugar talk!

more from women's health

'Pick fruit - Satisfy your sweet tooth with apples, bananas, and berries, which temper natural sugar with fiber and loads of antioxidants, says Elisa Zied, M.S. R.D....

Enter sugar rehab - Like any addict, you need to detox before you can fully recover. According to DesMaisons [Ph.D. and author], it takes five days to fully overcome your cravings for sugar, and you'll feel awful for three of them. Prepare to be edgy and irritable starting on day two; by day five, you'll feel like a whole new person. After you've recovered, you'll find that a little sugar goes a longer way.'

Is it just me or would this have been nice to know before we started?

okay... ladies - get blogging.

just because jill is out doesn't mean you don't have to post! get to it!

by the way... cheat day for me from now on will be ONE sweet thing... not a day of cookies and ice cream!


jill s said...

i wish i felt like a new person after day 5!!!!

you girls are ROCKING the no sweets bet!!!!!!!!

Kelly J said...

Yeah, I had my cheat day yesterday...I had a Double Cheesburger Value Meal from McDonald's and I had some chocolate chip cookies...I was about 2 seconds away from heaving! SO NOT WORTH IT! Blech!!!!!!