Monday, September 8, 2008

best of luck ladies.

i'm out.

i had ginger ale b/c i was sick over the weekend.

may the best chica win!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sweets for the day or HOUR

Okay, I wish we could do 24 hour cheat days. I got together with my old friend Lynn from Arizona tonight with her hubby and we went and got gelato! Too bad my cheat day for the week started at 7:30pm and ended at 9. Lame. But there you have it. My cheat day is over with.

Oh and Kate- email me so that I can 'invite' you to be a contributer on this blog so you can post about your sweets and whatever.

Peace yo.

EDIT: I changed my title from 'First Cheat Day' because sweet Tim thought that sounded bad. ;o)