Sunday, March 2, 2008

at the close of day 2...

how are you girls doing?
i'm surviving.
i'm glad it started on a weekend when jim was home to help me with the kids.
tonight i seriously craved a bowl of rocky road.
but of course i've been totally good. :)

how about you girls?


Tim and Amy said...

okay. honestly... i am having serious loss of energy! i think a weekend was harder for me to start on. or just this weekend. i had to work in a file room all day today... and helped someone move yesterday. limited sugar = limited energy for me. i know i'll get used to it... but wow. NO SUGAR!? i think syrup should be allowed so i can eat eggos in the morning. but most cereals are allowed - so i'll just need to go grocery shopping tomorrow! :O)

MindyRiggs said...

haha. well i'm fine. i ate a caesar salad yesterday. that decided to hate me today. i ate like 5 pringles today. and thats it. tomorrow will be rough. i guess i'll be eating PB&J everyday w/water. does jones soda count, since its Cane sugar?? :) ha ha. anywho...let me know! and i'll be ok. i think i'll lose weight this month. as long as my boobs don't get smaller, my dress should fit :) haha

jill s said...

mindy. you don't need to lose weight. at all.

and amy. if you guys want to have syrup that's TOTALLY fine with me.


i didn't realize you girls didn't have such strict rules before!!