Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Modified Bet 2009

New proposal: Every month we will add on something new to the previous months criteria.

January: No soda (diet is okay... although probably not applicable for us)
February: + No sugared drinks (Gatorade, Lemonade, etc.)
March: + No candy
April: + No cake, brownies, etc.
May: + No ice cream
June: + (other ideas or add-ons?)

Let me know what you think.. we'll start slowly with January being no pop!


mindy said...

no no no. lol. i start with 3 days a week!!! not three weeks straight. and why not start that list backwards. i could do that. but giving up soda straight up...i'll have headaches for a while!!!!

Tim and Amy said...

looks like we need to chat chica! soda is EASY for me to give up...
and three days a week? really? that's nothing!

Tim and Amy said...

NO SODA has started!