Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Okay, so Mindy and I are ready...well, I think I'm ready, anyway.....

Amy, Jill, and I do believe Traci wanted in this time around, right?!

Anybody ready to start AGAIN, June 2nd?? And this time, there WILL be a winner!!!


Tim and Amy said...

yikes. next monday? i'll have to think this one through.

mindy said...

yup. i'm ready. and as far as i know. my friend Kate...would also like to join.

my earache is real i need to start

Anonymous said...

ooh ooh pick me!

i WOULD like to join.

Tim and Amy said...

i pick kate to replace ME! :o)

mindy said...

no amy. she is JOINING us haha. no replacement going on here. AHEM amyyy

Tim and Amy said...

best of luck to you crazies who are going to do this all over again! i will try not to post pictures of brownies and DQ treats and soda... :o)

mindy said...

umm are we doing this? or not?

i needed a day warning come on now

Kelly J said...

Sorry, i just got back!! Amy and Jill, you poops! Yes, we are doing it! Here's your warning day, Mindy! We'll start June 3, 2008! Tomorrow! Eat it all today and then it's a go! Welcome Kate!

mindy said...

sweet. (no pun intended) i will let kate know. gracias kelly. and i can't believe amy & jill are out! but guess what? even BACK on sugar...i kept off the weight! woohoo! but maybe cuz i'm allergic? ha ha.

its no good.

mindy said...

OH and kelly. how do we hook kate up to post on this?? :0

Kelly J said...

i don't know! that's what the smart people are supposed to figure out! we'll have to tell jill that she still has to be our computer guru, even though she's not in on the bet!